Residents’ Information

Weekend picks Take a guided tour of the Heather Garden, led by gardeners, this afternoon near Margaret Corbin Circle. Learn how to make concoctions and tinctures from medicval herbs, the kind early pharmacists used to treat a variety of ailments and illnesses, on Saturday afternoon in the Cloisters. Kids will enjoy discovering butterflies, bees, and other insects in an exploration with the Urban Park Rangers, right, in Inwood Hill Park on Sunday afternoon. —7:54 a.m., July 26

Building visit A technician from Cowley Engineering is expected to be here around 9 this morning. You may seem him in the back terrace. —7:32 a.m., July 25

Spare stroller Our former neighbor Sara is giving away a brand-new stroller. (Amazon delivered it by mistake and told her to keep it.) It’s a wagon/stroller combo with a sun canopy and two five-point harnesses. She uses a similar model to pull her four-year-old to the beach with gear stowed below. It’s in the lobby and is yours for the taking. —7:41 a.m., July 24

Restaurant week Try a new dining spot during the summer edition of the New York tradition. In Hudson Heights, Uptown Garrison and Saggio are participating in the prix fixe meals, and two more spots are in Lower WaHi. You have until August 18 to tuck in. (It’s a long week.) —7:25 a.m., July 22


Cash sales In an analysis by The Times of 76 closings in Manhattan, two of the three sales in Hudson Heights were transacted entirely in cash. That matched the borough average of two-thirds of purchases made in cash. (In Lower WaHi, one sale was all cash and two were made with loans.) We’d hate to see you go, but if you’re looking to sell the market is strong. We’ll help you by posting a link to your listing on our On the Market page too. —9:09 a.m., July 21

Application Forms

Download the forms you need, posted here as pdf files. If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, please call our property manager, who can also send you any of these forms through the mail.

Automatic Payment
Never be late again with your maintenance fee. Sign up for automatic payment from your checking account. It’s ideal for travelers. There’s no cost, and with it you’ll never pay another late fee.
ACH Form Scan.PDF
PDF File [132.6 KB]
Bike Rack
Store your bicycle in the basement storage room. Please keep it locked to the rack. To get your rack, fill out this form. (It’s the same as the Storage Cage form, just check the Bike Rack box at the bottom.)
Pinehurst 447 Storage Lease.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [58.4 KB]
Decoration Agreement
If the improvement you’re planning is less extensive than a renovation but you’re still planning to use outside help to complete the job, you may be eligible to use the decoration agreement. It’s less extensive than the alteration agreement (below, under Renovations and Alterations). Before submitting a decoration agreement, please visit with the property manager.
Pinehurst 447 Decoration Agreement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [223.3 KB]
Renovations and Alterations
Renovations fall into this category. Use this form to submit with your plans. If you believe your work is not extensive, please contact the property manager to see if you qualify to work under a decoration agreement (see above). Mail the completed form to Hedda at Argo, 50 West 17 Street, NYC 10011-5702.
Pinehurst 447 Alteration Agreement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [19.6 KB]
Sale/Purchase of Apartment Shares
The purchaser should fill out this document to apply to transfer shares from the seller.
Pinehurst 10034_447_fwa purchase_applica[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [687.9 KB]
Storage Cage
If your apartment is too cluttered, store your overflowing belongings in a storage cage in the basement. To get your cage, fill out this document.
Pinehurst 447 Storage Lease.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [58.4 KB]
If you plan to sublet your apartment, your proposed subtenant needs to complete this document.
Pinehurst 10034_447 fwa sublease_applica[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [647.2 KB]

     The documents you will need for some other puposes are available from different web sites. Here are the most popular:


     Ask John or a board member for the permission form.



      Have a new best friend? The building welcomes most pets but requires proof of their immunizations and, for dogs, a city license. The house rules outline a pet owner’s responsibilities (at Section 24). If your pet is a pup and you need a dog license, find out how to file the paperwork here. The form needs to be notarized.

Contacting Us

Have a question about the House Rules, or how to get a storage cage? Ask one of your directors. This year they are:

     Jennifer Peng, president

     Jessica Benoit, secretary

     Nilou Safinya, treasurer
     Allison Hiroto, vice president
     Riva Hocherman, vice president

Contact them at or just say hi in the elevator or at the mailboxes. They will be happy to help you.

     Leo Drejic is the superintendent. You can reach him by calling (646) 372-0092 or by sending an email to For help after hours and on weekends, please call the Argo emergency line at (212) 896-8660.

     While you’re thinking of the building, help us keep your contact information current so you will receive official mail from the corporation and Argo without delay. If you have children moving out or roommates moving in, please tell us. Your information will not appear on this web site. If you do not want it to appear on our internal contact sheet, simply say so.

    The secretary is responsible for keeping our records current, so when you have updates to your contact preferecnes please keep us in the loop by sending them to or one of these addresses: For general questions To reach the super To update your contact details Reaches the webmaster
     You may also call the property manager, John
Duff, at (212) 896-8600, and mail correspondence to us at 447 Ft. Washington Avenue, No. 68, New York NY 10033.


Delivery Security and Package Pirates

Have you lost a box after it was delivered and before you picked it up? You’re not alone: 90,000 of them go missing in New York every day, and residents in some buildings are protecting themselves.

     It’s terribly frustrating to have a delivery go missing despite our best efforts. If it happens to you, please follow these steps:


1. Ensure delivery confirmation with the delivery service (USPS, UPS, Amazon, etc.).

2. File a police report with the 32nd Precinct at (212) 690-6311.

3. Notify management of your missing package.

4. The police will contact management to obtain surveillance video. As per the House Rules, security camera footage is not provided to residents.


     To keep your delivery from being stolen, follow suggestions from the Wirecutter, or try some of the tips we’ve collected to protect your goods. There’s no guarantee they will work, but any of them will help keep your package yours.

     You can help your first-floor neighbors with their deliveries: If you see a package left at their door, put it in the bin.

• Once your package is delivered, pick it up! The longer you wait, the more likely it is to go missing. And when lots of residents leave their packages uncollected, the space fills up and someone’s package has to be left outside the door, where thieves can prey on it.


• Have your package held at the post office, or sign up for informed delivery from the USPS.


Amazon (and many other businesses) lets you add delivery instructions to your shipping address. Of course, the delivery agent may not follow your instructions, but you can at the very least instruct them leave it by the cage.


• If you’re going to be out of town for more than a few days, the Post Office will hold your mail if you

sign up for the free service.


• Take advantage of “Ship to Store” option when it’s available. Amazon offers a locker feature that allows you to pick up your package from a secure location, whether near home or work. The closest is at the Rite Aid in Lower WaHi, at 4046 Broadway at 171st Street.


• Request signature confirmation for delivery.


• Never buzz in someone whose identity you can’t establish.


• When you see strangers in the building, a friendly “hello” or “can I help you find someone?” will let them know the residents are paying attention to visitors.


• And if you see a package at a neighbor’s door, you could collect it and let them know you have it.


     A magazine for co-op apartments suggests being aware of restaurant delivery personnel. The Denver Police Department says one effective deterrent is simply asking a neighbor to accept a package for you.

     If you’re clever, you could try what a NASA engineer has up his sleeve for porch pirates, but it involves a lot of glitter and amassing a certain … scent.



Regular visits from Pest Pro started at the end of December on a probationary contract. The new sign-up sheet is now available in the laundry room; if you can’t make it there see the link to an online sign-up in your email from John on December 22. The technician will write the next visit date on the sign-up sheet.

     Pest Pro will visit the building on Friday mornings. We hope that having visits on Friday mornings will allow more of you to be home when Pest Pro visits. If you will not be home then, please let Fehim know that he can give the technician access to your apartment in your absence.

     Before every visit, please clear under your kitchen and bathroom sinks so that there is space for the technician to examine and treat those areas. If you have areas blocked off by furniture or items, prepare to move them so the tech can do a full visual inspection.



Gas Meter Reading, Inspections, and Safety

Review these gas safety tips from ConEd so you’ll know what to do if you smell something off. And remember that if you notice that rotten egg smell, do not light a match, smoke, flip a switch, ring a doorbell, or touch appliances or electronics, including your phone. Doing so can produce sparks that might cause the gas to explode.

     The state mandates inspections of gas meters and piping to keep you and your neighbors safe. If your meter (it’s probably in your kitchen) has not been inspected, call (800) 643-1289 weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. or send an e-mail to

     Alternatively, if yours has in fact been inspected and you’re still being asked to set up a time, take a picture of the inspection sticker and email it to the same address.

     ConEd bills you for the natural gas you use, typically for your range. Your gas meter is probably in your kitchen and looks like the one on the right. ConEd determines your gas bill by looking at those little dials to find out how much gas you used, and for accurate billing prefers to read your meter monthly.

     If you’re home when the gas meter reader knocks on your door, just let him in and he’ll be done in less than a minute. If you miss him more than once, you may receive a letter from ConEd asking for access to your apartment to read your meter. For $19, you can schedule a visit at, or you can just follow the instructions and record the meter reading yourself.

     Oh, those meters in the basement across from the elevator? They’re for electricity.


General Data Protection Regulation Info

Visitors to this website from the European Union have the protection of GDPR 2016/679 which on May 26, 2016, went into effect.

     Data collected from on are stored on the servers of Ionos, the web hosting service used by 447 Ft. Washington Owners’ Corporation doing business as The Pinehurst. The Controller is the webmaster, who may be reached at, and the Controller’s Representative is the property manager, John Duff, who may be reached at (212) 896-8600 or at Argo Real Estate, 50 W 17 St, New York NY 10011. The Data Protection Officer is the president of the corporation, Jennifer Peng, who may be reached at

     The data we collect are those submitted voluntarily by shareholders to promote notices of sale of their apartments. There is no requirement to submit any information at any time. We store personal data for the duration that an apartment is for sale; once it is sold we delete it within four weeks of being notified of the sale. If a shareholder revokes permission for us to store personal information we shall delete it within two weeks of the shareholder’s notification.

     An individual subject to GDPR 2016/679 has the right to request from the Controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Such an individual also has the right to make a complaint the supervising authority, which is The Board of Directors. It may be reached at or at 447 Fort Washington Ave, Apt 68, New York NY 10033.


Grilling in the Parks

Looking for a place to light up a grill? This resource shows the safe spots in Fort Washington Park  and Inwood Hill Park.

     Grilling on the Pinehurst’s balconies and fire escapes is prohibited by law — not to mention common sense.


Hazardous Waste: Paint, Pesticides, CFC’s

After sprucing up your walls you probably have more paint than you can use for touch-ups. To dispose of them in the trash, let the paint dray out—just be sure you keep a window open. Once the paint is dry you can put it in the trash.

     If it’s latex paint (and it’s still wet), you can take up to five gallons to one of the city’s hazardous waste collection points. You can also drop off pesticides, electronics, motor oil and the like. The city also runs occasional Solvents, Automotive, Flammable, Electronics disposal events that are closer to home, but last only a day.


House Rules

Our building is a community, as well as our home. Residents share the responsibility to ensure a safe and pleasant quality of life at reasonable cost.  We count on each other to treat all areas of the building as our home, and to protect and respect the rights of all of the Residents to a safe and comfortable home. A set of guidelines helps us achieve these goals.

House Rules
The House Rules are available here. Return the cover sheet to Argo.
Please keep yourself familiar with the information in this document, which is part of your Proprietary Lease. The House Rules also include the Smoking Policy. Until the house rules are revised, shareholders who intend to sell or sublet must include the smoking policy in their sale or lease agreement. A copy of it is below, under “Smoking Policy.”
Pinehurst 447 House Rules with Acknowled[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [605.9 KB]

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Severe Weather

Severe weather is an uncommon but dangerous phenomenon. In the summer and early fall, hurricanes may threaten the northeast. If a hurricane is threatening the city, keep on top of the evacuation map found on this page.

     Hurricanes are rare but their effects are not. Have a plan in case the weather turns severe.
     The late spring and summer can produce tornadoes. Before you hear of a tornado watch (which means that weather conditions could produce a tornado) or a tornado warning (which means a funnel cloud has been spotted, though it may not have touched the ground yet), please
review these safety precautions for you and your family.
     In short, go to the lowest level of the building, stay away from windows and remain there until the all-clear sign has been given (by the
National Weather Service, typically), and have a first aid kit handy.


Laundry Room

Pay for your laundry with your smart phone. Hercules has an app that connects to the washers and dryers so you don’t have to keep track of a card anymore.

     Download the Hercules CyclePay App from the Apple Store or Google Play for your IOS or Andriod phone. Full instructions on its use are in the chart on the right, which you can doawnload in the pdf below. It’s also posted in the laundry room.

Hurcules CyclePay App
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]

     The laundry room is open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

     To help keep us safe during the pandemic, we ask you to limit its use to two people or families at a time and to take your clean laundry back to your apartment to fold so the next person can get in sooner.

     Para mantenernos a todos sanos, implementamos algunos procedimientos nuevos ayer para usar la lavandería. La lavandería está abierta todos los días de 7 a.m. a 11 p.m. Le pedimos que limite su uso a dos personas o familias a la vez y que lleve su ropa limpia a su apartamento para doblarla para que la próxima persona pueda entrar antes.

     When you load the machines, it’s easy to feel you need to use more detergent than is necessary. That’s beacause modern cleaning products, including cleaning boosters and fabric softeners, are formulated to require less than in years past. When you put in too much, the washers cannot rinse it all out, leaving chemicals in your clothes—and leaving scents in the washers that your neighbors may not care for. Check the instructions on your detergent, boosters, and fabric softeners, and use only what’s recommended.

     Hercules maintains the laundry machines, both the washers and dryers. With our dryers, to add five minutes you must do so when at least five minutes remain in the cycle. If there is less time, you will be given 30 minutes and charged for a full cycle.
     If a machine is malfunctioning, please call Hercules at (800) 526-5760 to inform them so they may repair it. Alternatively, you may send an
e-mail to, explaining the problem and asking for a refund if you lost money. Hercules will need to know:
    BUILDING NAME Pinehurst
    BUILDING ADDRESS 447 Fort Washington Avenue
    LAUNDRY ROOM LOCATION Basement; super required for access
    MACHINE MALFUNCTIONING Take note of the number on the machine, and if you’re asking for a refund, include your apartment number


Maintenance Fee Statements

We welcome you to switch to paperless billing for your monthly maintenance fee.

     If you’ve signed up and chose not to receive paper statement but they’re still arriving, we have a solution. Just send an email to John and he’ll get it straightened out.


Manhattan Maintenance Fees

Our fourth look at maintenance fees across Manhattan neighborhoods is available on the On The Market page. The previous survey, the third, compares fees to those in 2006 and 2008. Want to compare? Download a copy of the 2012 report by clicking on the link below.

     If you’re specifically interested in Hudson Heights maintenance fees, we have that data too:

Maintenance fees in Hudson Heights, 2017
Manh Maint Hudson Heigts 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [47.4 KB]
Manhattan Maintenance Fees, 2012
Adobe Acrobat document [212.7 KB]


Washington Heights is known for its noise. Luckily, Hudson Heights is a bit quieter. However, if you are bothered by loud music, a party, fireworks or other terrestrial sound, please call 311.

     If you’re tired of the drivers racing up and down Fort Washington at all hours of the night and day? Sign a petition seeking speed bumps to slow down the traffic.
     Other noise comes from the skies. Aircraft fly over our neighborhood en route to LaGuardia Airport or on their way to points west.  

     If the sound of aircraft is bothersome, please call the Economic Development Corporation at (212) 619-5000 with your concerns about helicopters, or for airplanes call (718) 533-5615 and press 3 for LaGuardia.

     In late 2020 a group of Uptowners formed a task force on noise. In the spring of 2021, Council Member Mark Levine came out with a ten-point proposal to address it. One Uptown group, Respectful Decibels, seeks your comments.


NYC Notify

New York has a way to keep you informed of emergency information as well as less-critical topics like parking changes. Sign up to receive notifications by e-mail, text, or phone messages. To stay informed, click here:

     The city is expanding the types of notifications you can receive from its email and message service. If you’d like to add updates from the 34th Precinct, or about weather that’s dangerous to residents of basement apartments, go to, log in to your account, and update your preferences under the “My Account” tab. From here, the instructions get specific: 

     • On the right-hand side menu, select “Notification Addresses” to see your enrolled addresses.

     • Select the pencil icon next to the address you would like to add notification to.

     • At the bottom of the page, select the notifications you would like to receive for that address.

     • Select Submit

These groups are also available on the mobile app.


Recycling: Electronics

     Discarded electronics make up the largest growth in household hazardous waste in NYC, but you can recycle them instead.

     We have a collection unit in the basement, where you can drop off your unusable items. They will be collected by the city and either repurposed or safely dismantled.

     Your efforts make a real difference. In 2021 we recycled 880 pounds of digital detritus, and since we’ve been enrolled in the city’s e-cycling program, we’ve kept 6,447 pounds of it from landfills.

     The city will collect these electronics:

  • Televisions (including cathode ray tubes)
  • Computer peripherals, including any permanently attached cable or wiring
  • Monitors, laptops
  • Electronic keyboards
  • Electronic mice and other pointing devices
  • Fax machines, document scanners, and printers that are meant for use with a computer and weigh less than 100 lbs.
  • TV peripherals, including any permanently attached cable or wiring
  • VCRs
  • Digital video recorders
  • DVD players
  • Digital converter boxes
  • Cable or satellite receivers
  • Electronic or video game consoles
  • Small-scale servers
  • Portable devices, including any permanently attached cable or wiring
  • Portable digital music players

     Can’t find what you have to get rid of? Look here.

Recycling: Glass, Metal, Paper, Plastic

The Pinehurst is committed to recycling in accordance with New York City's goals. Most paper and plastic (but not all), glass and metal are recyclable in our bins in the garbage area.
     Compact fluorescent light bulbs require special recycling because their contents are hazardous. Also known as CFL’s, these bulbs are typically curly in shape.

     There’s a drop-off point in each borough. For Manhattan, it’s under the Manhattan Bridge at 74 Pike Slip, between Cherry and South Streets. If you have a car, the closer site is in Hunt’s Point, next to the Fulton Fish Market. The sites are open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and at the same time on the last Friday of the month (but check before you haul your stuff). As an alternative, take your CFL bulbs to a retailer that accepts them, such as Home Depot.
     For more information on CFL recycling,
click here. And for nearly anything else, look here.    

     As we have switched from shopping in stores to shopping online, the delivery boxes and their packaging lead to a substantially larger volume of garbage than before. A cost of the convenience is growing expenses to manage our refuse. Your assistance will help us keep a lid on the budget.

  1. Flatten your boxes when you put them in the recycling area. The picture at right, from July, shows what we want to avoid.
  2. Do not put your recycling in plastic bags. That includes plastic recycling. You can throw it all directly in the bin, which contains special bags that the city accepts.
     Keep in mind: The rules are mandated by the Department of Sanitation. So if we don't do it, the porters will have to spend more of their time on your recycling. If they don’t, we pay fines — which come from your maintenance fee. So find the zen in breaking down your boxes. It will save you money, too.
     A medida que hemos pasado de comprar en tiendas a comprar en línea, las cajas de entrega y su embalaje generan un volumen de basura sustancialmente mayor que antes. Un gasto de esa conveniencia son los crecientes gastos para gestionar nuestros residuos. Su asistencia nos ayudará a mantener los costos bajo control.
    1. Aplana tus cajas cuando las pongas en el área de reciclaje. La imagen arriba muestra lo que queremos evitar.
    2. No ponga su reciclaje en bolsas de plástico. Eso incluye el reciclaje de plástico. Puedes tirarlo todo directamente a la papelera, que contiene bolsas especiales que acepta la ciudad.
    Las reglas son impuestas por el Departamento de Saneamiento. Entonces, si no lo hacemos, Fehim habrá dedicado más tiempo a tu reciclaje. Si no lo hace, pagamos multas.

Recycle: Reusable Items

When you clean some clutter you may find yourself with perfectly good things that you don’t have any use for anymore. If you’d like to donate old clothes, electronic, or housewares to a place where they can do some good, take a look at Donate NYC, a site run by the city. It will help you find a place to drop off reusable items for upcycling.


Smoke Detectors

When you replace your smoke detectors, you need to upgrade to a 10-year sealed model. A 2019 state law says that all new or replacement smoke detectors must be powered by the long-lasting battery or be hardwired to your electrical system. If you want to sell your apartment, you will need to upgrade your smoke detectors before the sale goes through.


Smoking Policy

In August 2017 Mayor DeBlasio signed legislation that requires all NYC cooperatives and condominiums to adopt formal smoking policies. The Board adopted a policy in August 2018 and revised it in June 2023 to prohibit smoking within apartments.

Smoking Policy
447 Smoking.Rules.6.23.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [84.3 KB]

STAR Property Tax Rebate

The STAR rebate grants co-op owners (whose apartments are their primary residences) the same school tax relief that owners of real estate have received for years.
     The credit has changed. Some homeowners remain eligible to receive STAR as a property tax exemption, while others will receive the STAR personal income tax credit and will be sent a check by the state. The distinctions are made based on your income, with the lines drawn at incomes over and under $250,000.   
      If you once received the benefit but no longer do, read these instructions to find out if you qualify again. The credit is not given automatically—you  must apply for it—but if you applied in the past you may not need to do so again. So register for the credit as soon as you become an owner.
     Details on eligibility are here. The numbers you may need for The Pinehurst are:
     LOT 87  
     BLOCK 2177

     BOROUGH 1


Subways and Transportation

Interactive Subway Map

     The famous map has been revised and moved online. It shows live updates of train locations, such as the one leaving 181st Street, right.


A Train
Scheduled maintenance is posted here
by the MTA.


181 Street: Busway
     Increasing commuters’ travel along 181st Street has been a goal of everyone for years, and with the busway plan speeds have increase by 30 percent and more. In summer 2022, the Department of Transportation made permanent its pilot plan to restrict on 181st Street traffic that isn’t a bus, truck, or emergency vehicle—unless you’re turning at the next intersection.

      Traffic is restricted from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Download the department’s presentation to Community Board 12 in July 2022:

181st Street Busway Plan, June 2022
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]

      A previous review from Department of Transportation’s of 181st Street is here.

Announcement Archive

Weekend picks Help launch the book Empathy, by Elizabeth Conde, about understanding one another and living a harmonious life, tonight in Lower WaHi. Choose some fresh produce from the black dirt region of the Hudson Valley and beyond at a farmers’ market tomorrow morning in Inwood. The Medieval Festival is a thing of the past, but you can watch artisans demonstrate medieval craft techniques at the Cloisters on Sunday afternoon. —7:58 a.m., July 19

Gym care Getting in shape in air conditioning? If burning extra calories is part of your summer regimen, remember to leave the air purifier on: It cuts down allergens and odors. —6:39 a.m., July 18


Welcome, Leo You’ve seen Leo working in the building for weeks as a porter, and today he starts as our new superintendent. Give him a smile the next time you see him so he feels at home. You can reach him the same way we always have, by email at and by phone at (646) 372-0092. —7:24 a.m., July 16


$10 million How would you spend a big chunk of change in the neighborhood? Council Member Carmen de la Rosa and Uptown non-profits are working on the state’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative and seek your input on funding areas. You can attend a town next Thursday evening at the United Palace, or take a survey of the improvements you’d most like to see. —7:19 a.m., July 14

Weekend picks Learn the history of one of our neighborhood’s namesakes, an immigrant from Italy who became an Italian saint, at a screening of Cabrini tonight in Hudson Heights. The Urban Park Rangers will lead an exploration of Inwood Hill Park, right, to show its natural wonders tomorrow afternoon (if it’s not rained out). Honor our revolutionary past at a dinner to honor the French contribution to the war of independence, held on Bastille Day (Sunday evening) in Lower WaHi at the oldest residential house left standing in Manhattan. —7:53 a.m., July 12

Bluetooth headphones Rogier is giving a set of headphones. They charge with a regular USB cable and have a mini-jack port to connect directly to ports like airplane audio. They are not, however, noise-canceling. —6:43 a.m., July 12


Fireworks noise Even though the Fourth has past, fireworks still rain down on us. When they’re bothering you, call 311. Even if your call doesn’t get the police to stop it right away, the city tallies noise complaints by neighborhood, which could help us in the long run. —7:57 a.m., July 11


New super Say hello to Leo! We’re delighted to let you know that Leo (Halil) Drejic has been hired as the Pinehurst’s new superintendent. Many of you have already met Leo, who has been filling in as interim part-time porter. Leo has four years’ experience in building maintenance, repairs, and superintendent work, in both co-op and condominium buildings. He brings much energy, talent, and knowledge to the building, as well as a deep familiarity with the neighborhood. You can reach him on the same phone number and email as you’vebeen using. His first day is next Tuesday, July 16, but you may welcome him now. —10:42 a.m., July 9

Recycling area As we have switched from shopping in stores to shopping online, the delivery boxes lead to a substantially larger volume of garbage than before. An expense of that convenience is the growing cost to manage our refuse. Your assistance will help us keep a lid on the budget. Please flatten your boxes when you put them in the recycling area. The picture at right, from last week, shows what we want to avoid.

     Keep in mind: The rules come from the Department of Sanitation. So if we don't do it, the porters will have to spend more of their time on your recycling. If they don’t, we pay fines — which come from your maintenance fee. So find the zen in breaking down your boxes. It will save you money, too. —8:02 a.m., July 8

Pool’s open The Highbridge Park pool, famous for its role in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s film In the Heights, opens this morning at 11 — and every morning at 11 until September 9. —8:26 a.m., July 7

Weekend picks Clear your head of roman candles, starbursts, and firecrackers by spending your afternoon chanting the music of medieval monks. Today at the Frances Cabrini Shrine in Hudson Heights. Tomorrow afternoon you can celebrate the birthday of Frida Kahlo at an outdoor arts festival on Audubon Terrace, featuring live music, right. On Sunday night pitch a tent in Fort Tryon Park for family camping with the Urban Park Rangers. —7:54 a.m., July 5

Fourth of July Wishing you a safe and happy holiday! If you’re spending part of it in Fort Tryon Park, the Bonnefont, starting today, opens a café on its lower level where you can refresh yourself with ice cream, sandwiches, drinks and more. —8:19 a.m., July 4


Hot dogs & hamburgers If grilling is part of your plans for tommorow, take a look at this list of spots in Uptown parks where grilling is permitting. Grilling is strictly prohibitted on the Pinehurst’s fire escapes! —8:04 a.m., July 3


Sofa delivery A neighbor is getting some new furniture today so expect the elevator to be busy for a bit. —8:10 a.m., July 2


Shower handle Rogier is giving away one that stretches 16" and needs two 4" x 4" tiles to stick to. Interested? Let him know. —10:09 a.m., July 1


Fireworks safety Did you know that some sparklers burn hot enough to melt metal? If you’re heading out of town for the Fourth and plan to light some fireworks, here are some tips from an ER doctor at Columbia’s emergency room. —8:44 a.m., June 30

Weekend picks Join a special tour of the Heather Garden, led by the garden’s caretakers this afternoon in Fort Tryon Park. A special performance of the medieval fiddle, along with a discussion of its contribution to European music, is also a contribution to the Cloisters’ pride month programming on Saturday afternoon. A ballet about immigration and immigrants, Strangers, right, has its debut in Inwood on Sunday afternoon. —6:03 a.m., June 28

Bursting in air It’s the time of year again when fireworks rain down on us day and night. When they’re bothering you, call 311. Even if your call doesn’t get the police to stop it right away, the city tallies noise complaints by neighborhood, which could help us in the long run. —9:07 a.m., June 27


Storm warning We can expect 60 mph winds and three-quarter-inch size hail in the peak of the storm tonight. Strong winds can cause flying debris, turn unsecured objects into projectiles, and cause power outages. Intense weather may continue through noon Thursday. —7:21 p.m., June 26


Election day Get out and vote! Pinehurst residents cast their ballots at Fort Washington Collegiate Church. Polls are open until 9 p.m. —7:53 a.m., June 25


Lower WaHi fire Emergency personnel are on the scene of what is now a three-alarm fire at 178th Street and Fort Washington Avenue. Expect smoke, traffic delays, and a presence of emergency personnel and vehicles in the area. —2:52 a.m., June 25


Spray caps Opening fire hydrants without spray caps is illegal, wasteful, and dangerous: They lower water pressure and put lives at risk if there is a fire. Children can also be at risk, because the powerful force of an open hydrant without a spray cap can cause serious injury. Call 3-1-1 to report open hydrants. Even better, hydrants can be opened legally with a city-approved spray cap which can be obtained by an adult, free of charge, at local firehouses. More info here. —6:17 a.m., June 24


Give-aways Looking for a vacuum cleaner? Or baking supplies? Emily is giving away a Dyson vacuum with accessories, an unused 15-year-old portable grill, a food dehydrater. cookie cutters, and more. It’s across from the elevator door in the basement area. And if you’re having a hard time reading this, check with Jennifer for your Nine West readers. —5:52 a.m., June 23

Weekend picks Spend an evening in the company of David Amram, the raconteur and composer (of the score of The Manchurian Candidate, among other films) in The Lounge tonight in Hudson Heights. Take your best friend to Inwood Hill Park tomorrow morning for a non-competitive race for dogs and their humans, right, hosted by the New York Road Runners. When evening starts and the day cools off, New York’s original night life comes out to play. Discover it on a hike in Manhattan’s only untouched forest on Sunday night. —6:04 a.m., June 21

Board election Thanks to everyone who participated in the annual meeting last night. The five directors were re-elected, and they are making no changes to their roles. We appreciate your involvement in the building’s matters and, as always, are happy to hear from you. —2:50 p.m., June 20


Smoke detectors When’s the last time you changed the batteries in yours? And in your carbon monoxide detector? Let today’s summer soltice serve as a seasonal mnemonic. If you’d like help reaching your detectors, ask Jean or Leo. —6:02 a.m., June 20

Meeting tonight We’ll see you on Zoom at 7 p.m. for the shareholders’ annual meeting. We’d like your input on matters before the corporation and to elect directors. Login credentials are in the May email from John.
     There’s still time to turn in your proxy! If there’s even a chance that you won’t be able to attend, signing your proxy and handing it to a neighbor who will attend helps us reach a quorum. And if you end up attending, your presence revokes the proxy so you can vote your shares. —6:07 a.m., June 19

Package bin Remember to check for deliveries in the bin, even if you aren’t expecting one. You’ll help make space for new parcels and maybe find a surprise for yourself, too. —8:23 a.m., June 17


Meeting reminder Have your Zoom credentials handy on Wednesday night for the annual shareholders’ meeting. (They are in a May email from John.) You still have time to sign a proxy if you can’t attend—just hand it to a board member so we can meet the quorum. —8:20 a.m., June 16

Weekend picks Hear a children’s book set to music when the Leadlight Ensemble, right, perform for kids this afternoon in Lower WaHi. Children will receive a free copy of the book, too. Art in the Garden returns to Inwood’s private garden tomorrow afternoon, with Uptown artists’ work on display and for sale. The Scandinavian Music Festical continues on Sunday afternoon on the Billings Lawn in Fort Tryon Park with its selection of music from countries on the Baltic Sea. —6:31 a.m., June 14

Cumputer disposal Safely discard your old hard drive, computer tools, cords and more at Columbia’s shredfest and electronics destruction event tomorrow. Take documents and tech tools to the public safety office at 701 West 168th Street between 10 and 2. —6:48 a.m., June 13


Meeting date Remember, the corporation’s annual meeting falls a week from tomorrow. The shareholders will gather on Zoom next Wednesday night at 7 to elect directors to the board and conduct other business. Details are in last month’s email from John. If you don’t think you’ll make it, please sign your proxy and hand it to a board member. —7:19 a.m., June 11


Camping gear Is that your tent and other outdoor equipment in the storage area walkway? It’s been there a while and if no one claims it soon we’ll probably get rid of it. —8:14 a.m., June 10


Restaurant roll If you’re looking for restaurants in Lower WaHi, the Community Leage of the Heights has the answer—as long as you’re dining only on Broadway. This list of restaurants below 179th Street will help you find a meal based on cuisine or by the block. —7:43 a.m., June 9

Weekend picks Learn about careers behind the camera tonight when the Uptown Photo Fest opens in Lower WaHi. Learn about the variety of gender expressions in plants and animals in Fort Tryon Park on Saturday afternoon when the Urban Park Rangers mark Pride Month. The Scandinavian Music Festival returns for another spring installment in Fort Tryon Park on Sunday afternoon. —7:11 a.m., June 7

Bye-bye, bugs With warm weather, tiny creatures are waking up. Keep interlopers out of your apartment and the building by scheduling an appointment with our exterminator. Please let us know if you’d like to take advantage of the service. —8:31 a.m., June 5


Elevator code It’s still the same! No change has been made since the last time John sent a notice. If you need some help, ask Fehim. —7:06 a.m., June 3


Hudson drummers Native Americans from across the country gather today in Inwood Hill Park for the twenty-second annual Drums Along the Hudson celebration of the original American heritage. Dances, food, and more await the thousands who attend. —8:13 a.m., June 2

Weekend picks The Uptown Arts Stroll kicks off tonight with a reception at the gallery of its organizer, the Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance, in Fort George, and continues all over Upper Manhattan until the end of June. So take in a performance of flamenco, from the Royal Opera of Madrid, right, on Saturday night in Lower WaHi. On Sunday evening you can enjoy a two-person spoken reading performance of The Adam & Eve Diaries, by Mark Twain, in Hudson Heights. —7:02 a.m., May 31

Na zdorovye! After steeping some homemade vanilla extract in Swedish vodka, Jennifer is giving away a bottle, minus a bit. Yes, you need to be 21. Skål! —7:28 a.m., May 30


Annual meeting The shareholders of 447 Fort Washington Owners’ Corporation will gather virtually for our annual meeting on Wednesday, June 19, at 7 p.m. You can find the Zoom link in the file “2024 Annual Meeting Notice.pdf,” which Argo attached to the email “Annual Meeting on June 19th” in mid-May. If you don’t think you’ll be there, please sign your proxy and hand it to a board member or a neighbor who will attend so we can reach a quorum. —7:15 a.m., May 28

Memorial Day We honor today the men and women who gave their lives for the United States. One of the first places a deadly battle was fought is found just up the street, in Bennett Park. Stones in the park mark the outline of Fort Washington, where Continental troops defended Manhattan against the British. This tablet, on the Fort Washington Avenue side of the park, tells the story: The Yanks lost the fort in November 1776, and took it back on November 25, 1773, when the rebel army marched back into New York. —8:53 a.m., May 27

Biking & grilling It’s the time of year to get out and enjoy the parks. Have a bike? Find the bike paths in Uptown and across the city on a bike map you can download here. For those who enjoy outdoor cooking, you can locate the parks’ grilling spots here. —8:16 a.m., May 26

Weekend picks Today is the first full day of the Inwood Film Festival, which screens films made by Uptowners or made here in Uptown. It runs all weekend at the Columbia athletic center. Tomorrow is the celebration of Pinkster, right, a commemoration of Pentecost first held in the U.S. by African-Americans starting around 1800. Join the party at the Dyckman Farmhouse. Make the most of the holiday weekend by kayaking on the Hudson with the Inwood Canoe Club on Sunday morning. —7:10 a.m., May 24

Washington Bridge Heading east overnight? Due to police activity, all Bronx-bound lanes of the Washington Bridge are closed at Amsterdam Avenue and 181st Street. Consider alternative routes and allow for additional travel time. —1:17 a.m., May 24


Film fest The screenings start tonight at the Inwood Film Festival. You may have to dodge penny-sized hail and gusts up to 60 mph, so take precautions. —9:19 a.m., May 23


GWB delay Due to police activity, expect extensive westbound traffic delays on the GWB‘S lower level. Consider alternative routes and allow for additional travel time. —10:53 p.m., May 22


Dyckman Scholars Do you have a teen who’s considering college? Thanks to Eliza Hamilton—Alexander’s widow—a scholarship fund for Columbia applicants from WaHi and Inwood can help. This year’s recipients, an aspiring jazz pianist and a soon-to-be student of psychology, are both from WaHi. Here’s more information (plus, the connection to the Hamiltons). —2:41 p.m., May 22


Package pick-ups Help keep the bin accessible to new deliveries: Retrieve your parcel to make room for the next box. It’s a practical way to keep them from going missing. A few other tips:

1. Ensure delivery confirmation with the delivery service (USPS, UPS, Amazon, etc.).

2. Can’t find your package? File a police report with the 32nd Precinct at (212) 690-6311.

            3. Notify Fehim of your missing package.

We’ve assembled more suggestions under “Delivery Security,” below. —7:51 a.m., May 20


GWB closure For the annual Gran Fondo bike race tomorrow, the lower level of the GWB will be closed starting tonight and into Sunday morning. As the saying goes, plan extra travel time or consider an alternative route. —8:06 a.m., May 18

Weekend picks Finishing the baseball season in first place, Columbia hosts the Ivy League tournament starting today. Princeton and Cornell open the series this morning, then Columbia and Penn face off this afternoon. Climb to the top of the Little Red Lighthouse tomorrow afternoon in Fort Washington Park. Close the weekend with a concert by the Generation Y jazz quintet in Hudson Heights on Sunday evening. —7:49 a.m., May 17

Film festival Tickets are now available of Uptown’s biggest celebration of cinema. The Inwood Film Festival opens next Thursday with a screening of The Boys of Kingsbridge, the acclaimed documentary from Thom McNamara. The festival continues over the weekend. —7:19 a.m., May 15


Natural gas Although we heat the building with steam, most of us cook with a gas range. Review these gas safety tips from ConEd so you’ll know what to do if you smell something off. And remember that if you notice that rotten egg smell, do not light a match, smoke, flip a switch, ring a doorbell, or touch appliances or electronics, including your phone. Doing so can produce sparks that might cause the gas to explode. —7:46 a.m., May 13


Mother’s Day All our best wishes to the caring mothers of the Pinehurst! —7:47 a.m., May 12

Weekend picks Sit in for a performance of Uptown musicians playing together to entertain themselves and you tonight in Lower WaHi. The Black experience in America, from the colonies, through slavery, and until today comes to life in a performative history experience in Inwood tomorrow. Spend Mother’s Day with your family in the Heather Garden on Sunday afternoon. Also on Sunday are a painting en plein air activity in Fort Tryon Park and a South Korean boy band’s concert in Lower WaHi. —9:24 a.m., May 10

Uptowners’ input You’ve heard of participatory budgeting, and maybe you’ve even given your two cents’ worth to Community Board 12. Council Member Carmen De La Rosa invites you to the People’s Assembly next Saturday, when she will explain co-governance and seek your suggestions for a District 10 plan for the future. Sign up here—breakfast is included. —7:12 a.m., May 9


Board seats Would you like to have a say in how the building is run? We’re always looking for residents to join the the board if directors, particularly those with financial or management experience. We’ll elect new directors in June. If you’re interested, let us know! —7:25 a.m., May 7


Steam heat As the weather gets warmer, our heating system may make your apartment too toasty for comfort. When that happens, turn your radiator knobs completely off. Resist the urge to dial them partially off. Because we have a one-pipe radiant heat, you must keep the knob all the way open (or all the way closed) to prevent steam from settling in your radiator, cooling to water, and rusting it. Questions? Ask Fehim. —8:18 a.m., May 5

Weekend picks End the week as calmly as you possibly can by joining Uptown amateurs singing Gregorian chants in Hudson Heights this afternoon. Help clean the Hudson  tomorrow morning, right, as part of an nation-wide river reclamation day, meeting in Inwood Hill Park. The Cornerstone Chorale’s annual spring concert features contemporary works and a salute to Alice Walker on Sunday evening in Hudson Heights. —8:04 a.m., May 3

Parkway closure After a vehicle fire, southbound lanes of the Henry Hudson Parkway are closed at 154th Street. Consider alternative routes and allow for additional travel time. —3:52 a.m., May 3

The parkwayis open again. —5:17 a.m., May 3


Book give-aways If you want to save any books from being given away, please take them out of the donation wagon by Saturday morning. —11:49 a.m., April 30


Buzzing in With the warming weather, more people are out and about. That can be a challenge to our security. When you enter the building, be aware of anyone behind you and if you don’t recognize them, ask them to buzz the person they’re visiting. And when you buzz in your own visitors, be sure to establish their identity first. —8:53 a.m., April 28


Baby bottle Did you leave one in the lobby? It’s on the table between the chairs. —11:52 a.m., April 27

Banishing bugs To schedule a visit from Pest Pro, our new exterminator, add your name to the sign-up sheet in the laundry room (or check your email from John for the Google form you can use). If you will not be home when the exterminator is here, please let Leo know if he may give the technician access to your apartment. Before every visit, clear the space under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, and if you have areas blocked off by furniture, prepare to move it so the tech can do a full visual inspection. —6:52 a.m., April 3

Contact Us Today

Board of Directors

447 Ft. Washington Owners’ Corp.
447 Ft. Washington Ave, Apt. 68
New York, NY 10033
(212) 896-8600

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The Pinehurst © 447 Fort Washington Owners’ Corporation • New York 10033 Co-Operative Apartments in Hudson Heights • 447 Ft. Washington Avenue